Friday, May 30, 2014

What's on my loom, and what's in the kitchen?

On the loom

I'm taking a rigid heddle weaving class; last week we learned about weft faced weaves and were assigned to do something like coasters.  Well this is like one big coaster except its 10 1/2 inches wide and about 15 inches long so far; I plan on weaving until sometime on Sunday when I'll take it off the loom and rewarp for this weeks assignment. I think it may turn into a bag, in which case I'll like do the rest of it a little plainer.

Mom had a drawer of leftover needlepoint yarn which I could not bring myself to throw away. I've already made a needlepoint cushion cover from leftover and will save the bigger chunks for when I decide that needlepoint in my thing, but I'm feeling good about playing with all the leftover browns and greens in this format.

Warp is some really ugly bright pink crochet cotton, 10 EPI. Weft is a variety of needlepoint yarn from years of projects, which used to take up two grocery bags in the back of my closet. I think I should be able to bring myself down to one by the end of the weaving!  

Color is way off; my phone camera seems to be removing a lot of yellow. It's actually really pretty.

In the Kitchen

RutRoh, the freezer is almost empty and DH is looking at the stack of empty pyrex with deep regret. Instead of letting him take me out tomorrow night, I'll be doing two different bean preparations from Mark Miller's Coyote Pantry and then will do a taste test. Not sure what to throw on the grill to go with the beans. It'll be good.

And finally, June's cookbook will be the Commander's Palace cookbook. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Memorial Day weekend: Rick Bayless and Mexican Everyday

Yesterday we had friends over and a good time was had by all.

I cooked from Mexican Everyday (Rick Bayless).

  • Jicama Salad: could not find watercress so I used pea shoots and added some toasted pine nuts.
  • Garlicky rice in the rice cooker; Damn! I'll make that one again. It's effectively rice, garlic, onions stock. Yummy.
  • Roasted tomatillo salsa
  • Grilled Roadside Chicken and as suggested in the recipe,  I grilled green onions (couldn't find knob onions), eggplant, and zucchini. I did two 2.5 lb chickens; the four of us ate about a chicken and a half.  The chicken had a beautiful brown glaze on it by the end of it's grilling, and great flavor.
Consensus was that Rioja was the best wine of this.  M & G brought a apple beach crisp with caramel ice cream that was wonderful.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Fiery Foods

I made Onion Gingered Chicken from Fiery Foods That I Love; first time for that recipe. Served with white rice, chard and a lovely Chablis, which was perfect for the gingery goodness. DH says I could make that for company. I substituted 6 chicken thighs for the whole chicken; if I did it again, I'd do 8.

Wonderful oniony gingery goodness!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May Cookbook Challenge


Sunday was the May Cookbook challenge dinner. Modena style pork chops, braised in tomato sauce from the dry farmed tomatos I got from Happy Girl last year and froze, and some sage from the garden. Served with home made polenta (nice texture!) and Brussel sprouts.

All of that with a nice Montepulciano.

Sorry, no pictures.

On the fiber front
  • Knots of Love Hat #9 is finished
  • Started a hat for DH's mom
  • Working on Bejeweled Sleeve
  • Finger controlled weaves on the loom. I like spanish lace. 
Also no pictures.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Fish! and Hats.

Last night was Branzini night... I think I used too much salt and I'm not sure if putting egg in the salt is the right thing.

But here it is stuff with thyme from the garden, lemon and bay 

With some roasted beets, celery root and brussels

And I could not resist the chive flowers.

DH and I are restarting the cookbook challenge; May is Trixee's choice, so today I'll be cooking pork chops out of Marcella Hazan's Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking.

On the fiber front, it's mostly been hats for our knitters group project for Knots of Love. I finished hat 9 yesterday, 10 is my goal. I've also got:

  • The weaving class, which is making me dream of weaving things I want to weave.
  • Bejeweled: I've restarted the darn sleeve 4 times, and I think I have it figured out now.
  • Yarn for 3 hats for DH's mom, I will start them later today. 
  • Other projects languish.
More on all that later.